we offer premium services to make your stay in madrid unforgettable! 


Moving to a new city can be daunting, but don’t worry we are here to help!

We offer assistance to all of our students in finding the best accommodation that suits their needs, so on touch down in Madrid you already feel at home from your first day!

SBS Swiss Business School Madrid campus works with a collection of experienced accommodation partners, and our Student Services team is happy to act as a support to you from start to finish with the accommodation process.

All of our accommodation partners offer a premium service such as cleaning services, maintenance, study areas, kitchen, social events, fun activities and much more throughout the year.


Congratulations! You have just been officially accepted onto your BBA or MSc program. So how can you apply for your visa?


Can SBS Madrid campus help me with the visa application process?

Of course! SBS Madrid Campus Admissions and Student Services team will be happy to provide  support with your visa application process wherever necessary. The first step would be for you to visit your local Spanish Embassy in your region to start the visa application process.

What should I do if my visa application is refused?

This is always a shame for us to hear! Don’t worry though, because it doesn’t mean that you will never be able to get a student visa to come and study with us in Madrid. If your student visa is rejected, please get in contact with the Admissions department as soon as possible, so we can help you with the process to re-apply for the visa.

What is the refund policy if my visa has been rejected?

If your visa is rejected by the Visa Authorities, please get in contact with the Admissions department as soon as possible, with a copy of proof that your visa was rejected.

Our refund policy is stated in your conditional acceptance letter under the refund policy section.

Can I work in Spain with a study visa?

We believe in the importance of putting what you have learned in the classroom into real life practice. If getting a part time job whilst you’re studying is an attractive prospect to you, you will be happy to hear that with a student visa it is possible for you to gain work experience of up to 20 hours per week in your chosen sector. Our Student Services team are here to help you find that dream job while you continue with your studies!

What is a “NIE” or a ''TIE''? What do I need it for? What do I need to do to obtain it?

A NIE is a Foreigners Identification Number (Número de Identidad de Extranjero) that is for people who move to Spain from a country within the EU. It is mandatory to apply a NIE once you arrive in Spain for any official Spanish processes. 

A TIE is a foreign Identity Card (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero) for anyone who wishes to come and live in Spain from outside the EU (now including the UK). It is compulsory to apply for this once you arrive in Spain for any official Spanish process.

You can either intend to apply for the NIE or TIE alone, or if you wish, please contact our Student Services department, we can help you with this process.

What type of insurance do I need while studying in Madrid?

If you hold a NIE or TIE, you are able to use the public health care system in Madrid. If you wish to register with them, our Student Services department is available to help you with this registration process.

We also work with private health insurance companies. If you wish to take out private health insurance during your stay in Madrid, please contact the Student Services team and they will be happy to help you with this.

Long flight? Don’t worry, we will come and meet you and your bags at the airport arrivals and take you directly to your accommodation!

Although the Madrid airport is really well organized with a variety of transport methods to take you to the city center from a regular shuttle bus to the train, we have added a more personalized and exclusive way to travel to your new accommodation.

We know travelling to a new country may be stressful, so we offer our new students a pick up service from the airport so you can arrive to your accommodation refreshed and ready to explore!

If you wish to book this service please contact our Student Services department.